Hello friend, be blessed in knowing the truth,
My dear friend, I have become deeply troubled as of late. I feel as if my writings have turned you away from the truth due to the nature of what I have been writing about. Please hear my heart in these words, and listen with your spirit, and read every word. I am sharing the insight that has been shown to me by the Holy Spirit!
If I were to come to your home in the middle of the night beating on your door to warn you that your house was on fire, would you listen? Sure you would, and when you saw that your house was on fire you'd gather up your family and bolt out the front door! Why? Because you see the fire, you can smell the fire, you feel the fire, and most of all, you fear the fire!
You must.....and I repeat...... you must realize and recognize the existence of our enemy Satan, and his demonic horde! Do not close this, and just walk away or turn on the TV. My friend you may be thinking that I am off my rocker, or I have joined a cult, or I'm starting one or whatever! Please hear me! I am still Kelly Wayne, only I have been graciously delivered by Christ from the grip our the enemy, and now daily walk in the light of the Lord!
We can not see our enemy, we can not smell our enemy, and we can not feel our enemy, but the enemy still exists! It is written in Ephesians 6:12 (NLT) For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.
Friend, if you have been reading my writings you know I have backed them up with biblical facts, and scriptures! Please do not turn a blind eye to the Word of God, and all that Christ accomplished on the Cross for you! You are not allowed to sit on the sidelines of this eternal tug of war for your soul!
I'm out front right now beating on your door, and calling your name. I pray that I can wake you!
Your good friend Kelly Wayne,
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