Tuesday, November 18, 2014

The 5 Fruit of a True Christian

Rich Blessings in Christ my friends,

I'm sure each one of you have spent time working with non-Christians and found that you almost have to stay on top of them to stay in the faith. We have to ask, "are you reading your Bible?, Are you coming to church on Sunday?, ETC. We must realize that when someone is saved by grace, and escapes the wrath of God's judgement, a true convert will bear fruit you can see. The true convert will gladly read his Bible, and attend church, tithe, ETC. A non-Christian will attempt to show off the branches of his or her tree because they lack fruit. What do I mean? They will try to impress you with their outward appearance, and words.

The 5 fruit of a true Christian are as follows:

1) The Fruit of Repentance
This is an 180 degree turn away from the sinful behavior and towards Godly behavior.

2) The Fruit of Thankfulness
A thankful heart that is grateful for what God has done on the cross, and shows itself in a cheerful disposition.

3) The Fruit of Good Works
A life that becomes "Others Centered" helping the elderly, feeding the poor, teaching children God's word etc. Not self-centered; all free time consumed in personal hobbies and other life interests.

4) The Fruit of The Spirit
An ever growing capacity of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, and self-control in the life of the believer.

5) The Fruit of Righteousness
Doing the right things according to the way God defines it in His word; not according to the way man defines it in his own heart and mind.

There you have it my friends! These are the signs that follow someone who is sincere in their conversion to Christ. The attached video is a wonderful teaching on "True & False Conversion", I recommend each of you seeking to learn more about sharing your faith. I have gained a lot of knowledge listening to this teaching, and I think you will find great value in it as well.

May the peace of the Lord be with you,
Kelly Wayne

True & False Conversion by: Ray Comfort

Sunday, November 16, 2014

A Prayer for Self Esteem

Rich blessing in Christ Jesus my dear friends of the cross.

Proverbs 18:21 says, Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits.

Everyone of us have been called some kind of derogatory name by someone, whether in some kind of grade school, a play ground, the ball park, or in your own home by a parent or spouse. Each of us have at one time or another experienced the feelings of hurt their words caused us. God's word says
in Matthew 12:36-37, "I tell you, on the day of judgment people will give account for every careless word they speak, for by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.”
In my study's the Lord's Holy Spirit impressed upon me a true understanding of how powerful our spoken words are. During a deliverance in my own life, the Holy Spirit had me speak the following phrase. (In the name of Jesus I demand any unclean spirit to rise up and leave my body right now) I did so, but spoke it in my head. I spoke the whole thing, and nothing happened. Then He (the Holy Spirit) spoke lovingly to me saying, "No my son, you must use your spoken words for they are mighty and very powerful." Again I spoke the words, but this time I said them aloud. Wow, what a difference! Things began to happen, but that is another story best kept for another teaching. Our spoken words (only under the anointing of the Holy Spirit) have great power when used to expel demons in Jesus name and even heal the sick.

We see in Mark 16:15-18 the mighty power we have speaking in Jesus name; And he said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned. And these signs will accompany those who believe: in my name they will cast out demons; they will speak in new tongues; they will pick up serpents with their hands; and if they drink any deadly poison, it will not hurt them; they will lay their hands on the sick, and they will recover.” 

Our everyday words also hold great power to bless or curse others. This is why Jesus says to stay clear of idle words or you'll give an account on the day of Judgement. You see my friends, our enemy finds great joy in the suffering of God's children and he employes every trick in his arsenal to hurt us. He understands that the condition of our heart holds the key to our relationship with Christ. Jesus say's in Matt. 11:29-30 "Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light."

 If you or someone you know is struggling with their self esteem take the time to pray this powerful prayer with them. Together with the Holy Spirit you can break the bondage of the enemy and find freedom in Christ.

The Prayer,

My dearest, majestic, Lord Jesus Christ, I thank you that you died for me. I thank you that you gave yourself on the cross, a death of agony and of shame to purchase me. Lord Jesus, I belong to you. I am yours forever. I know you will never leave me, you will never forsake me. I am engraved on the palms of your hands. I am beautiful in your eyes, more beautiful than all the worlds you created, because you set your love upon me, because you love me so much. I love you Lord Jesus. Receive my love upon on you now oh Lord. Allow me to lavish you with my love Lord Jesus. I thank you Lord, that I am not unwanted. In you I am worthy Lord. I'm not a cast-off. I'm not rejected. I'm accepted and beloved in your Holy name Lord Jesus. I praise you again and again Lord God, for such wonderful, gracious, merciful, love that you poured out on the cross all for me Lord. Thank you Lord Jesus. AMEN!

The Peace of The Lord be upon you,
Kelly Wayne,


A Prayer for the Rejected

Hello Blessed Ones of Our Lord Christ Jesus,

I'm sure you all understand that many of the problems we face as adults are due to problems that began in our youth. Everyone has faced rejected in one way or another in this life. Whether it was a group of kids, a parent, teacher, etc. we have all come face to face with this nasty enemy who is out to force suffering onto God's beloved children. 

What does rejection even mean? Forsaking something; the spurning of a person's affections.

So when someone forsakes our affections (our heart, our love, or our desires) we [as people]close off our heart so it doesn't happen again. Some people have dealt with this "Disease of the Spirit" more so than others so the walls of their heart are higher and harder to break through.

Thanks to Jesus Christ and all He did on the cross for you and I, we have been empowered as Christians by our Lord Jesus Christ to overcome these nasty demonic powers by the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony. This simple but powerful prayer may help you or someone you know with this disease of the spirit called rejection. Allow Jesus to Rescue you today!

The Prayer:

Father God, I thank you that you love me, that you gave Jesus your Son to die on my behalf, that He bore my sins, that He alone took my rejection, that He paid my penalty. I am not unwanted, I'm not excluded, you really do love me & I really an your child and you really are my father. I belong to your family father God. I belong to the best family in the universe. Heaven is my home and I truly belong. Oh father God thank you for everything you have done, and plan to do in my life. In Jesus mighty and majestic name, AMEN.

I pray for each of you this day and everyday that you now have been released from the curse of rejection in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Please let this prayer spread like a wild fire out of control and only under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. 

Alive in Christ we boldly take our stand against the powers of darkness in this place!
Kelly Wayne,

 Newsong "Rescue"

Saturday, November 15, 2014

A Prayer to Bind & Loose in Heaven & on Earth

Hello my friends, greetings to each of you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. I pray you all are richly blessed in the Lord and fighting the good fight.

In my studies I came across this prayer and feel it is amazing and must be shared with other warriors to use. Please use it, pray it on a regular basis in your fight.

"In the name of Jesus Christ I now bind up the following spirits and all spirits connected to them. Spirits of poverty, lack, anger, bestiality, depression, pride, lust, destruction, shame, disgrace, rage, perversion, religion, unbelief, doubt, despair, suicide, control, wickedness, envy, confusion, anxiety, fear, greed, selfishness, rejection, mental illness, bondage, cruelty, divination, sorcery, witchcraft, spells, homosexuality, hatred, discord, jealousy, sickness, rape, incest, unforgiving, new age, satanism, occults, murder, failing, torment, idolatry, hopelessness, frustration, foolishness, witches, wizards, revenge, addictions, mocking, calloused, twisting the truth, seductiveness, worry, arguing, strife, suffering, illness, oppression, violence, seducing, manipulation, cancer, disease, pain, anti-Christ, low self-esteem, unwanted, blindness, crippling, false religion, adultery, lawlessness, deceitfulness, lying, slander, backbiting, gossip, pornography, sex trafficking, drugs, drug pushers, alcohol, drunkenness, masturbation, false doctrine, and now I bind up the two demonic powers that feed every other demon it's power, INSECURITY & INFERIORITY I bind you all in Jesus mighty name.

And now in the mighty, powerful, majestic name of Jesus Christ our Lord and savior, I loose all these powerful and mighty spirits to work for me, and through me under the supervision of the Holy Spirit and for the good of the kingdom of God our Father in heaven; truth, knowledge, long suffering, kindness, love, peace, joy, faithfulness, goodness, forgiveness, mercy, grace, gentleness, self-control, intelligence, power, self-discipline, humility, creativity, loyalty, riches, honor, strength, great favor, blessings, wealth, riches, prosperity, discernment, leadership, giving, understanding, righteousness, spiritual protection, prayer, anointing, wisdom, the armor of God, the angels, and above all the fear of the Lord. Let darkness tremble in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, who's blood cleanses us & restores us unto God our Father! AMEN."

Praise the Majestic name of the King, Lord Jesus. We praise your name Jesus, we thank you Jesus. Send us out into the world with your Holy Spirit to spread the news that the Kingdom of God is at hand.

Be blessed my friends,
Kelly Wayne