I'm sure each one of you have spent time working with non-Christians and found that you almost have to stay on top of them to stay in the faith. We have to ask, "are you reading your Bible?, Are you coming to church on Sunday?, ETC. We must realize that when someone is saved by grace, and escapes the wrath of God's judgement, a true convert will bear fruit you can see. The true convert will gladly read his Bible, and attend church, tithe, ETC. A non-Christian will attempt to show off the branches of his or her tree because they lack fruit. What do I mean? They will try to impress you with their outward appearance, and words.
The 5 fruit of a true Christian are as follows:
1) The Fruit of Repentance
This is an 180 degree turn away from the sinful behavior and towards Godly behavior.
2) The Fruit of Thankfulness
A thankful heart that is grateful for what God has done on the cross, and shows itself in a cheerful disposition.
3) The Fruit of Good Works
A life that becomes "Others Centered" helping the elderly, feeding the poor, teaching children God's word etc. Not self-centered; all free time consumed in personal hobbies and other life interests.
4) The Fruit of The Spirit
An ever growing capacity of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, and self-control in the life of the believer.
5) The Fruit of Righteousness
Doing the right things according to the way God defines it in His word; not according to the way man defines it in his own heart and mind.
There you have it my friends! These are the signs that follow someone who is sincere in their conversion to Christ. The attached video is a wonderful teaching on "True & False Conversion", I recommend each of you seeking to learn more about sharing your faith. I have gained a lot of knowledge listening to this teaching, and I think you will find great value in it as well.
May the peace of the Lord be with you,
Kelly Wayne
True & False Conversion by: Ray Comfort