Friday, September 27, 2013

Breaking Generational Curses

Breaking Generational Curses!
As taught by the late Derek Prince:

Deuteronomy 28 explains 7 forms of blessings and curses.

                               The Blessings                                              The Curses

                                  Exaltation                                                  Humiliation
                             Re-productiveness                                          Barrenness
                                    Health                                                Sickness of all kinds
                                  Prosperity                                                Poverty or Failure
                                    Victory                                                       Defeat
                             Authority (The Head)                                Helplessness (The Tail)
                               Above (Strength)                                      Beneath (Weakness)

The 7 possible marks of a curse:

  1. Mental / Emotional Breakdown
  2. Repeated or Chronic Sickness
  3. Female problems - barrenness, multiple miss-carries, menstruation
  4. Breakdown of marriage, family alienation
  5. Continued financial insufficiency
  6. Being accident prone
  7. History of suicide or unnatural deaths

NOTE: Picture a curse as a long evil arm from the past; affecting you today, or a dark shadow keeping you from God's blessings.

The 2 primary causes of a curse:

  1. Not listening to God
  2. Not doing as God commands

Sources of curses:

False gods - Ex. 20:3-5
Idolatry (Occult Association) Deut. 27:15
Disrespecting parents - Prov. 30:17
Treachery - neighbor - Prov. 17:13
Injustice to the weak and poor - Prov. 28:27
Unnatural Sex - Lev. 20:10-16
Antisemitism - Gen. 12:3 & Gen. 27:29
Depending on the flesh - Jer. 17:5-7
Stealing / perjury - Zack. 5:1-4
Stinginess towards God - Malachi 3:8-10

Curses from persons w/ relational authority:

NOTE: A fathers blessing is the 2nd most important blessing nest to Father God's blessings. Do all you can do to obtain the blessing of your earthly father.

1) Examples of a father's curses: You'll never succeed, you're a loser, you'll never win, you'll always fail.

2) Teachers cursing students: you'll never learn this, you're too slow, are you ignorant or something?

James 3:13-18 speaks of, "Heavenly VS. Demonic Wisdom" READ IT.

Self Imposed Curses:


  1. I'll never be able to do this or that
  2. I'm not smart enough
  3. I'm not good enough
  4. No one loves me
  5. I'll never succeed
  6. I'm no use to anyone
  7. I'm a failure
  8. I just can't take it any more
  9. I wish I were dead. (This invites the spirit of death*****Never say this!)
Psalm 118:17 says, "I shall not die, but live; and declare the works of the Lord."

Curses from scriptural covenants:

Exodus 23:32-33 states,"Make no treaties with them or their gods. They must not live in your land or they will cause you to sin against me. If you serve their gods you will be caught in the trap of idolatry."

Freemasonry: In order to become a mason you must make a covenant with those who are masons. When you become a mason you must pronounce a curse on yourself if you ever disclose any secrets of the masons. It is also an idol worship religion, and this is made clear in the 34th degree, "The Royal Arch Degree" which acknowledges and offers worship to a being / entity / demon, called "Ja-Bul-On" which is a combination of Jehovah, Baal, & Osiris. So the True God of the Bible is joined together with 2 idol deities, that God has totally condemned. And when you make a covenant with that, you make a covenant with those gods.

For more on Freemasons read the book, Darkness Visible by: Walton Hanna

A curse from the evil side, or from servants of Satan:

 NOTE: There is wonderful news! We as Christians have all power and authority over curses!

2 more sources are found in Deuteronomy 7:26 and it reads," Curses from false gods; forbidden objects. Do not bring any detestable objects into your home for then you will be destroyed just like them. You must utterly detest such things, for they are set apart for destruction.

NOTE: Ask yourself, Do I have anything in my home that dishonors or advertises any other god than Jesus Christ? If so, go and get rid of every bit of it now. Ask the Lord to guide you through your home using the Holy Spirit to point out all objects that are offensive to the Lord.

How to be released from a curse:

  1. Establish a clear scriptural basis for your release. NOTE THESE SCRIPTURES: Gal. 3:13-14,   Eph. 1:7, Col. 1:12-14, 1 John 3:8
  2. Confess your faith in Christ Jesus- (Christ is the high priest of our confession) 
  3. Commit yourself to obedience - (Listen to God's voice and do what He commands)
  4. Confess any known sin - (either by you or any of your ancestors)
  5. Forgive all other persons in the name of Jesus, and always remember that forgiveness is not an emotion, it is a decision.
  6. Renounce any and all contact with the occult - (by you or your ancestors)
  7. Rid yourself and home of any and all contact objects
  8. Now release yourself in the name of Jesus Christ and the power of His Blood
Jesus said,"Whatever you bind on earth will be bind in heaven, and whatever you release on earth will be released in heaven."

A prayer of release you can use: Meeting God's conditions

Lord God, I come to you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior. Lord Jesus, I believe you are the only way to God. I believe you died for me on the cross for my sins, and rose from the dead on the third day, but on the cross you were made a curse with every curse that was due unto me, so that I  might be redeemed from the curse and be in your blessing. Lord I confess any sins committed by me or by my ancestors. I ask your forgiveness. I also forgive every other person who ever harmed or wronged me, I forgive them as I would have God forgive me. I also forgive myself. I renounce all contact with the occult in any way or form, and I commit myself to get rid of all contact objects, and now Lord by receiving by faith, your forgiveness with the authority I have as a child of God, I now release myself and those under my authority from any curse over our lives right now in the name of Jesus. I declare release, I claim it & I receive it by faith in the name of Jesus.

Now being released and restored in the Lord, honor Him with your praise and worship!

Your next steps after being released:

  1. Confess your sins daily. (NOTE: sin is accompanied by curses, so do everything to keep the doorway of sin closed in your life.)
  2. Expect the blessing of Abraham. (Because we have been released from the curse, we can now expect and receive the blessing of Abraham.
  3. Fill your life and home with the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Word of God.

Brothers and sisters at war on behalf of the Cross, I pray you find this information useful in helping God's children claim their freedom in Christ. May the Lord keep you and strengthen you daily.

Kelly Wayne,

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The Deadly Modern Day Gospel

Hello fellow warriors of the cross of Jesus Christ. Be blessed in knowing the truth.

NOTE: the following teaching can be found in book "The School of Modern Evangelism" By Kirk Cameron & Ray Comfort.

In 1 Timothy 4:1-3 says, " Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons, speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their own conscience seared with a hot iron, forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from foods which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth."

What does the Modern Day Gospel of Satan say? Take a listen to it's lies. It says, "Jesus will help their marriage, remove their drug addiction, fill the emptiness in their hearts, give them peace, love, joy and everlasting happiness."

Now let's look at the modern day gospel at work. The following anecdote will illustrate the unscriptural nature of this very popular teaching.

    Two men are seating on a plane. The first is given a parachute and told to put it on, as it will improve his flight. He's a little skeptical at first, since he can't see how wearing a parachute on a plane could possibly improve his flight. He decides to experiment and see if the claims are true. As he puts it on, he notices the weight of it upon his shoulders and he finds he has difficulty in sitting upright. However, he consoles himself with the fact he was told that the parachute would improve his flight. So he decides to give it a little time.

   As he waits he notices that some of the other passengers are laughing at him for wearing a parachute on a plane. He begins to feel somewhat humiliated. As they continue to point and laugh at him, he can stand it no longer. He slinks in his seat, unstraps the parachute, and throws it to the floor. Disillusionment and bitterness fill his heart, because as far as he is concerned he was told an outright lie.

   The second man is given a parachute, but listen to what he is told. He's told to put it on because at any moment he'll be jumping 25,000 feet out of the plane. He gratefully puts on the parachute. He doesn't notice the weight of it upon his shoulders, nor that he can't sit upright. His mind is consumed with the thought of what would happen to him if he jumped without the parachute.

   Now let's analyze the motives and the results of each passenger's experience. The first man's motive for putting on the parachute was solely to improve his flight. The result of his experience was that he was humiliated by the other passengers, disillusioned, and somewhat embittered against those who gave him the parachute. As far as he's concerned, it will be a long time before anyone gets one of those things on his back again.

   The second man put on the parachute solely to escape the jump to come. And because of his knowledge of what would happen to him if he jumped without it, he has a deep-rooted joy and peace in his heart knowing that he's saved from sure death. This knowledge gives him the ability to withstand the mockery of the other passengers. His attitude toward those who gave him the parachute is one of heartfelt gratitude.

What does the modern gospel say again? "Put on the Lord Jesus Christ. He'll give you love, joy, peace, fulfillment, and everlasting happiness." In other words, Jesus will improve your flight. This is what happens to too many people. A sinner responds, and in an experimental fashion puts on the Savior to see if the claims are true. And what does he get? The promised temptation, tribulation, and persecution - the other "passengers" mock him. So what does he do? He takes off the Lord Jesus Christ; he's offended for the Word's sake; he's disillusioned and somewhat embittered......and quite rightly so. He was promised peace, joy, love, and fulfillment, and all he got were trials and humiliation. His bitterness is directed at those who gave him the so-called "good news." His latter end becomes worse than the first, and he's another inoculated and bitter "backslider."

   Instead of preaching that Jesus improves the flight, we should be warning sinners that they have to jump out of the plane - that it's appointed for man to die once and then face judgement (Hebrews 9:27). When a sinner understands the horrific consequences of breaking the Law of God, he will flee to the Savior solely to escape the wrath that is to come. If we are true and faithful witnesses, that's what we'll be preaching - that there is wrath to come - that God "commands all men everywhere to repent: because he has appointed a day, in which he will judge the world in righteousness" (Acts 17:30-31).

Remember that Proverbs says, "Riches profit not on the day of wrath: but righteousness delivers from death." Peace and Joy are legitimate fruits of salvation, but it's not legitimate to use these fruits as a drawing card for salvation. If we continue to do so, the sinner will respond with an impure motive, lacking repentance. Remember why the second passenger had joy and peace? It was because he knew that the parachute was going to save him from sure death. In the same way, as believers we have "joy and peace in believing" (Romans 15:13) because we know that the righteousness of Christ is going to deliver us from the wrath to come.

   So, if we put on the Lord Jesus Christ for the right motive - to flee the wrath to come - then when tribulation strikes, "when the flight gets bumpy", we wont get angry with God, and we wont lose our joy and peace. Why should we? We didn't come to Christ for a better lifestyle, but to flee from the wrath to come. If anything, tribulation drives the true believer closer to the Savior. Sadly we have multitudes of professing Christians who lose their joy and peace when the flight gets bumpy. Why? They are products of a man-centered gospel. They came lacking repentance, without which they cannot be saved.

I pray that all who read this teaching allow the Holy Spirit to unlock the understanding and the urgency of it's truthful message. Please share it with those you love immediately!

Kelly Wayne,

Hell's Best Kept Secret

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

How to Effectively Use God's Law

Blessings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ my friends and fellow warrior's for the Kingdom of God!

How to Effectively use God's Law: taught by Mr. Ray Comfort. These are my notes on this teaching. I pray you find this enjoyable, and spiritually inspiring.

Romans 3:19-20 says, "Obviously the law applies to these to whom the law was giving, for it's purpose is to keep people from having excuses, and to show the entire world they are guilty before a Holy God. For no one can ever be made right with God by doing what the law commands. The law simply shows us how sinful we really are."

Romans 7:7, "It was the law that showed me my sin." What law showed Paul his sin? The moral law of God. Known better as the Ten Commandments!

Let's look at the (RCCR) principals found in God's word.

R - Relate to the person
C - Create an opportunity to talk about the main idea / product
C - Conviction of the person towards the idea / product
R - Reveal the idea / product

When speaking to any non-christian you always begin speaking in the natural before speaking about things of the spirit. Doing this is non-threatening to others and they normally don't get offended as quickly.

1 Cor. 2:14-15 says, "But people who aren't spiritual can't receive these truths from God's Spirit. It all sounds foolish to them and they can't understand it, for only those who are spiritual can understand what the spirit means. Those who are spiritual can evaluate all things, but they themselves cannot be evaluated by others.

So, with this understanding use something to build a bridge to the person like sports, weather, etc.

In John 4 Jesus is speaking to the Samaritan woman at the well, and he starts in the natural, "Please give me a drink of water." Why did he do that? Because he wanted to relate to her in the natural realm. (Principal #1)
Then Jesus used (Principal #2), He created an opportunity to share the things of God, and he says, "If you knew the gift of God and who it is saying to you give me a drink you would have asked him and he would have given you Living Water." Jesus deliberately mentioned things in the spirit realm, thus swinging the conversation towards the things of God.

*** If someone is open to listen to you, it is because God is making them open to listen to you and the message you have to share with them. John 6:44 says, "No man comes to the Son unless the Father draws him to the Son." So please remember what Romans 3:11 says, "There is no one seeking God!"

*** Please remember if the person is not open to listen to you, don't stick around and get beat up, simply thank them and walk away. Pray the Lord opens their heart for the next person he sends to them that they will be open to listen at that time!

Next Jesus used (Principal #3) Convict: Jesus used #7 of the 10 Commandments, Thou shalt not commit adultery. Jesus brought conviction to her when he said, "Go and call your husband to come here." She replied, "Sir I have no husband." Jesus then replied, "You are right in saying I don't have a husband, for you have five husbands, and he whom you have now is not your husband, this you said truly."

***See my friends, the unregenerate (not reforming or showing repentance) person not only has no desire of the things of God, they have no understanding of the character or true nature of God. They have no understanding of God's righteousness. Romans 10:3 says, "They go about to establish their own righteousness being ignorant of the true righteousness which is of God." ***(NOTE) ask any unregenerate person if they think they are a good person and most will say, "Yeah, I think I'm a good person" and in Proverbs 30:12 God says, " every man is pure in his own eyes."

The reason people do that is because when they don't have any understanding of the righteousness of God, they have no other standard by which to compare themselves to other than the standards they have in their own minds.

****A little girl is looking at sheep eating grass and she thinks, "oh how white the sheep look against the green grass." Then it began to snow, and the girl looked back at the sheep and thought, "how dirty the sheep now looked against the pure white snow." Same sheep.....different background! See when you and I compare ourselves to the background of man's standards we come out reasonably; "I've never killed anyone." But when we have the snowy white righteousness of God's law as our backdrop, suddenly we can see ourselves in truth. That is the purpose of the law.

Then Jesus used (Principal #4) and he revealed to the woman that he was the Messiah she was waiting for. See once the law of God humbled her, she was ready for God's grace in her life. This is the way we need to design the way we speak to others, and model ourselves after our Teacher, our Lord, our Savior, our redeemer!

****BIG NOTE: We must be aware when witnessing to sinners that they think they are justified in their own minds, and will say stuff like, "I'm not a bad person, there are plenty of people way worse than me", or "Hitler makes me look pretty good. What's wrong with a little lust?" They are justifying their sin and trying to get out of it, and they aren't sorry about it whatsoever.

What we as witnesses must do is give them the law. Show the law is objective [expressing, orderly, with facts] there is no such thing as a little transgression, and the angle doesn't matter. But when someone hangs their head and says, "yes I have sinned" then we give them mercy and the gospel, and the cross. [Mercy rejoices over judgement].

Charles Finney once said, "The spirituality [that is the essence of the law] should be unsparingly applied to the conscience until the sinners self-righteousness is annihilated, and he stands speechless and self-condemned before a Holy God."

How do you say to a stranger / sinner, "Have you any excuse for going the wrong way on a one way street?" How do we do that? We must read God's law to them. In Isaiah 42:21 it says, "He will magnify the law and make it honorable." What Jesus did was bring out the spiritual nature of God's law. The Ten Commandments are like mighty cannons and they annihilate the fig leaves of everyone's self-righteousness.

(The Ten Commandments) explained in detail:

1) Thou shalt have no other gods before me!
This means God your creator demands to be the focal point of your affections. Deut. 6:5, Matt. 22:37, Mark 12:30 and Luke 10:27 all say, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your strength and all your mind, and then to love your neighbor [all other people] as much as we love ourselves. And that our love for others like, mom, dad, wife and kids seems like hated compared to the love we have for the God who gave us those loved ones to us. Jesus said, "Anyone who loves their father or mother more than me, is unworthy of me, and anyone who loves his son or daughter more than me is unworthy of me." What is Jesus saying? God must be first place in your life!

Don't love the gift more than the giver. That is called Inordinate Affection, [a desire for lusts of the flesh, a desire for things of this world, and things the flesh pulls your clean spirit to.] This is also known as a soul-tie.

2) Thou shalt not make yourself any graven image!
This means you should not make up a god to suit yourself, either with your hands or your mind. NOTE: some say, "My god isn't a god of wrath & judgement, my god is a god of love and mercy. He would never create Hell." Agree with them - they are correct, say, "your right your god would never create Hell because he couldn't, because he doesn't exist. He is a figment of your imagination and a place of imagery. You have shaped a god to suit yourself, and that is called idolatry, and the Bible says, (Idolators will not enter the Kingdom of God!)"

3) Thou shalt not us the Lord thy God's name in vain!
Never use God's name as a cuss word, use it lightly or fail to give it honor. This is called blasphemy, and the Bible says, "The Lord not hold him guiltless of those who take God's name in vain." Jesus said, "Every idle word a man speaks, he will give an account for on the day of judgement."

4) Thou shalt keep the Sabbath day holy
Romans 14:5 says, "One man chooses one day, another man chooses another day." Don't be troubled by which day you pick as the Sabbath day, just pick one and give it to the Lord. It's a matter of conscience not legalism. D.L. Moody once said, "The law can only chase a man to Calvary, no further."

5) Honor thy Father and thy Mother
The Bible says, "Rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft." Having a bad attitude, selfish attitude, not wanting to help out or go out of your way for your parents. Treating them disrespectfully and not yielding to their authority. Ephesians 6:1-3 states, "Children, honor / obey your father and mother because you belong to the Lord, for it is the right thing to do." Honor your father and mother. This is the first commandment with a promise attached to it: "If you honor your father and mother, things will go well for you and you will have a long life on the earth."

6) Thou shalt not murder
The Bible is very clear when it says, "Whoever hates his brother in his heart is a murderer." Even Jesus said, "If you get angry without cause, you are in danger of judgement."

7) Thou shalt not commit adultery
Jesus said, "I say to you that whoever looks upon another person with lust has committed adultery in his heart." 1 Timothy 1:10-11 (Fornication) - [refers to sex out of marriage] The law is for people who are sexually immoral or who practice homosexuality, or slave traders, liars, promise breakers, or those who do anything else that contradicts the wholesome teaching that comes from the glorious Good News entrusted to us by our Blessed Father God.

8) Thou shalt not steal
Stealing only once makes you a thief and we have all stolen something in our lives. The value of the item is totally irrelevant.

9) Thou shalt not be a false witness
Don't lie to people! This includes fibs, white lies, half truths and exaggerations. All liars will have their part in the lake of fire.

10) Thou shalt not covet
Who can say, "I have never desired something that belonged to someone else?" The final nail in that coffin is James 2:10-13, "For the person who keeps all of the law except one is as guilty as a person who has broken all of God's laws. For the same God who said you shall not commit adultery, also said you must not murder. So if you murder someone, but don't commit adultery, you have still broken the law. So whatever you say, or whatever you do, remember that you will be judged by the law that sets you free. There will be no mercy for those who have not shown mercy to others. But if you have been merciful, God will be merciful when he judges you."

God sees our thought life, He knows every hair on our head, and every word we have ever spoken. He knows us by name, and he sees the things we do in the darkness. The wrath of God abides upon us all, because we are transgressors of the law. Every time you sin, it builds up God's wrath against you.

What do we do when we take a sinner through the law? Watch and listen to their mouth! Do they want to justify themselves, or is their mouth stopped? Romans 3:19 says, "The law was given to stop every mouth and leave the whole world guilty before God."

Now, if the person hangs their head and says, "yeah, I've broken the law" they are then ready for the grace of God. But if they defend themselves and try to justify their behavior by saying, "it's natural" respond with, "well of course it's natural to sin because it's human nature." See my friends it is natural to lie, you have to be taught to tell the truth. So you must learn how to turn away from your natural, sinful, human nature and abide in the virtues of the spirit, (Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, and Self-control). These things must be learned, and lived out in your life.

Sinners are children of wrath so let them have a little fear of God. Proverbs 9:10 states, "The fear of the Lord is the foundation of wisdom." In Hebrews 10:31 it says, "It's a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the Lord."

So let their conscience accuse them! Let the law make them tremble. God had to go to terrible extremes and place His son on the cross so that we could all be forgiven. 1 Timothy 1:8 says, "We know that the law is good when used correctly." The law was not designed for legalism, it was designed to bring the knowledge of sin. To show God's righteousness so we will all see our need for a savior.

Please understand that this is not HELL FIRE PREACHING! That does more damage than good! You can not simply tell people, "If you don't believe in Jesus, your going to Hell!" NO ONE WILL LISTEN TO YOU!

We must use God's law and allow it to convict the sinners conscience. There is a right way to present judgement to people. There is a right way to present the reality of Hell to people. Think about the following EXAMPLE: I am an officer of the law, and I burst into your home grabbed you by the arm and said, "I'm an officer of the law, and your going to prison for a long time" and I just dragged you right out of your home. Your going to be very angry, and bitter, and you'd be frustrated because what I have done to you was totally unreasonable! It makes no sense what so ever!

Now, on the other hand if I came to your door and said, "I'm an officer of the law, and we found those six pot plants in your back yard, and your going to prison for a long time." What I have done now is mush more reasonable. I have read the law to you. Your not going to be happy, but now you can understand why you are guilty and now under arrest, and it is because you transgressed the civil law.

That is why we must use God's law, so the sinner finds himself convicted and in need of repentance. My friends you will suffer persecution sharing the Gospel. It's all part of being a true Christian and sharing the Good News with others. The following verses you'll read about Paul's persecution while preaching. In the book of Acts 13:45 / 13:50 / 14:5 / 14:9 / 16:23 / 18:6 / 19:26 / 20:23 / 22:21 / 23:1 / 23:10 / 23:11 & 24:5.

1 John 3:13 reads, "Marvel not if the world hates you." If you water down the gospel, the world will love and praise you, but if you mention sin, righteousness, judgement and repentance they will hate and persecute you.

It says in 1 Peter 4:14, "Rejoice and be glad when you suffer for the name of Christ, for the glory and the Spirit of God rest upon you." So fear God and never ever water down the gospel because you will strip it of it's curative properties. Be a true and faithful witness. Our motivation must always be LOVE! From beginning to end. Remember if you really love them, you will plead with them not to walk off the edge of the cliff of sin into eternal separation from God.

For some really cool gospel tracks, and ideas for open air witnessing check out the following website, You can also see Ray Comfort in action on Youtube conducting open air witnessing in California, and around the world.

Be blessed my friends, in Christ Name!