Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Demon Warfare - 3 Ways to Expel Demons

Dear Bothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus, may the Lord God our Father shine His face upon you and keep you all protected in the precious blood of Jesus. Remember always that we have been given the authority by Jesus Christ Himself to trample "ALL" the powers of darkness beneath our feet! Never forget this important fact! Jesus also said, "By no means will anything harm you." This dones not mean we will not be hated by man. Jesus tells us that we can bank on that fact! "They will hate you, because they first hated me." In my studies on demonic warfare, I have come to find out there seem to be (3) key ways of conducting deliverance. Personally, Individually, and Corporately. 1) Personally - The Holy Spirit walked me directly through this using a statment similar to these words. "ANY UNCLEAN SPIRIT RESIDING IN MY BODY I DEMAND YOU RISE UP TO THE SURFACE AND LEAVE MY BODY AT ONCE IN JESUS NAME!" What happen next my borhters and sisters was "FEAR" came out of me screraming and I was free by the power of Jesus name!! 2) Individually - I learned this from Doctor Lester Somrall's teachings on demonic warfare. Two improtant factors when working with another individual, (1) Does the person want to be completely set free?, and (2) Will the person confess that Jesus Christ is their Lord and Savior? Then you can proceed, if not you are wasting you time, and you don't have time to waste! Speak to the demon, not the individual and say this with you aouthority in Christ. "I come to you (demon) in the name of Jesus Christ whom you know. I come to you upon the authority of the Great Commission of Jesus Christ and I come to you by the power of the Blood of Calvary. NOW COME OUT OF HIM/HER IN JESUS NAME!" NOTE: you do not want to talk to demons! They only lie! Don't let them act out, throw up, speak or out - tell them to stop in in Jesus name, sit up in Jesus name, be muzzled in Jesus name and to get out in Jesus name! 3) Church Group/Corportate Body- this setting where you'll conduct mass deliverance all at the same time. This technic was learned from Derek Prince's book, "They Shall Expel Demons". There are several key steps you must walk the corporate body through in order to prepair the group properly for deliverance. Basic Steps: 1) Personally affirm your trust and faith in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. 2) Humble yourself before the Lord 3) Confess any & all known sin 4) Repent of any and all known sin 5) Forgive all persons who ever hurt or offended you 6) Break with the occult and all false religion 7) Prepare to be released from every curse over your life 8) Take your stand with God 9) Expel the enemy with the help of the Holy Spirit Steps of Release: Step #1: Personally Affirm Your Faith in Jesus Christ Jesus is the “High Priest of our confessions” Hebrews 3:1. We must make the words of our mouths agree with the Word of God. We proclaim the victory of Jesus in a bold and personal way on our own behalf. When we do so, we invoke His ministry as our High Priest to bring our need before God the Father, thus releasing the whole authority of heaven on our behalf. If we fail to confess our faith in this way, we give Jesus no basis on which to intervene for us. Step #2: Humble Yourself before the Lord “God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble” therefore humble yourself under the mighty hand of God…… 1 Peter 5:5-6 If we approach God with an attitude of pride, He resists us and we have no access to Him. So our first step towards God must be to humble ourselves, to say to God, “I need you!” God never offers to make us humble. Throughout the Bible He places the responsibility on us. God can humiliate us, and sometimes He may have to; but only we can make ourselves humble. If we are willing, however, God will supply all the grace we need. When we seek deliverance from demons, there may come a point when we have to choose between our dignity and deliverance. If dignity becomes more important than deliverance we have not really repented of our pride. If you are not prepared to humble yourself, you will not be willing to take the steps that follow. Step #3: Confess Any & All Known Sin Nowhere in the Bible does God commit Himself to forgive sins that have not been confessed. But for those who confess, His promise is clear: “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” 1 John 1:9. God is faithful because He has promised. He is just because Jesus has already paid the penalty for our sins. If you are troubled about some specific sin, be honest about it. Do not call it by some fancy psychiatric name. Most of the names for our basic sins are not pretty. And God forgives them only when we acknowledge them as sins. He never promises to forgive “problems.” If you have a “problem” with overeating, call it by it’s name: the sin of gluttony. If it is lust, call it lust. If it is hatred, call it hatred. If it is gossip, call it gossip. Remember, too, that once you have told God the worst about yourself, you have not shocked Him. He knew it all before you told Him. Furthermore, He still loves you! Also remember that God visits the sins of the fathers on their children to the third and forth generations, see Exodus 20:3-5, because this may apply in your case. The sins of your ancestors do not make you guilty, but they can be causing you to suffer from their consequences. It may be advisable for you to confess and disassociate yourself from any sins that your ancestors committed. This applies particularly to the occult or false religion. Step #4: Repent of Any & All Sins It is necessary to confess your sins, but that by itself is not enough. You must also repent for your sins. “He who covers his sins will not prosper, but whoever confesses and forsakes them will have mercy” Proverbs 28:13, you must confess, then forsake your sins. To forsake your sins means to turn away from them completely. Remember God delivers us from our enemies, so if you find enjoyment in your sin He will not act on our behalf. You must make your friend your enemy, and then you can ask God to deliver you. Repentance involves two things. First, you must accept personal responsibility for what you have done. You cannot hide behind some other person – a parent, spouse or minister, perhaps – and hold him or her responsible for the wrong things you yourself have done. Nor can you blame demons for your sin. Your attitude must be: I am guilty, and I acknowledge it. Secondly, you must take the same stand against your sin that God Himself takes. Do not try in any way to minimize or excuse it. Hate it as God hates it! Then sin will have no power over you. Step #5: Forgive All Other People In Mark 11:25-26 Jesus established an unvarying spiritual law: “And whenever you stand praying, if you have anything against anyone, forgive him that your Father in heaven may also forgive you your trespasses. But if you do not forgive, neither will your Father in heaven forgive you your trespasses.” If we desire forgiveness from God for our sins, we must unconditionally forgive all those who have sinned against us. Remember the parable Jesus told about the servant whose master forgave him a debt equivalent to several million dollars, yet he himself refused to forgive his fellow servant a debt of just a few dollars, see Matthew 18:23-35. When we consider the incalculable debt each of us owes God for the sins we have committed against Him, the most that any fellow human being owes us is, by comparison, just a few dollars. The judgment on the unforgiving servant was to be delivered “to the torturers” (verse 34). If you want deliverance from the torturers, you must freely forgive all those who have ever offended or harmed you in any way. Remember that forgiving another person is not primarily an emotion. It is a decision of the free will. First you must make a firm decision. Then you must verbalize it: “ I forgive So-and-so of all the wrong he [or she] did to me. I lay down all bitterness, all resentment, all hatred.” Deciding in your heart, then speaking it out with your mouth, makes your act of forgiveness effective. Step #6: Break with the Occult and All False Religion God hates doctrine or practice that puts some other person or thing in the place of undivided loyalty and wholehearted worship that belongs solely to God. Somewhere in the background of all these systems lurks the one who is the archenemy of God and man. If you want to draw near to God, you must sever all contact with Satan. This includes removing from your possession, and from where you live, anything that in any way links you to the occult or to the satanic. This includes books, souvenirs, charms, and objects of art. Remember Moses’ warning to Israel: “Nor shall you bring an abomination into your house, lest you be doomed to destruction like it…” Deuteronomy 7:26. The best way to dispose of such things is, if possible, to burn them. Remember, this is how the Christians in Ephesus responded when they realized their occult scrolls linked them to the power of demons. Follow their example! If your circumstances prevent you from doing this immediately, make a commitment to God to do it just as soon as you have the opportunity. Step #7: Prepare to Be Released from Every Curse over Your Life The Bible has much to say about the power of blessings and curses. Altogether it mentions them about six hundred times. Contemporary Western Christendom has tended to focus on the blessings and to regard the curses as a superstitious carryover from the Middle Ages. But this is unscriptural and unrealistic. A curse should be compared to a dark shadow over the lives that shuts out part (at least) of God’s blessings. Two of the blessings that may be excluded by a curse are physical healing and deliverance from evil spirits. Here is a list of some problems that commonly indicate that a curse is at work. 1) Mental or emotional breakdown 2) Repeated or chronic sickness (especially if hereditary) 3) Barrenness, a tendency to miscarry or related female problems 4) Breakdown of marriage and family alienation 5) Continuing financial insufficiency 6) Being “accident-prone” 7) A family history of suicides or unnatural or untimely deaths There is, one all-sufficient scriptural basis for release from a curse: the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross by which He took on Himself every curse due us, that in return we might inherit the blessings of Abraham, who was blessed by God in all things (see Genesis 24:1; Galatians 3:13-14). If you sense there is some curse over your life, seek release from it on the basis of what Jesus did for you on the cross when He was made a curse. Step #8: Take Your Stand God Make a firm decision and speak it out: “I submit my will, my purpose, my future, my whole life to God. I take my stand with God against all sin, all evil, and every kind of demon.” As soon as you take your stand with God, He also takes His stand with you. You can enjoy the confidence expressed in Romans 8:31: “If God is for us, who can be against us?” One way God may come to your help is by revealing the identity of any demon you need to expel. Dealing with a demon can be like dealing with a fierce dog. When you call the dog by his name, you have more authority over it. You may already be aware of the names of a specific demon or demons from which you need to be delivered. Or it may happen that as you enter the process of deliverance, a name of a demon will come to your mind. These are two of the ways the Holy Spirit may come to your help. If the Holy Spirit does give you the name of a specific demon, your next step must be to take a deliberate stand with God against the demon, and to verbalize it. Speak it out: “You spirit of lust, or rejection, or confusion or whatever, I take my stand against you in the name of Jesus. I no longer submit to you. You have no more place in me. I command you to go!” Remember James 4:7: “Submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.” Step #9: Expel This is not so simple and practical that it does not seem spiritual. But it works! The word for spirit in both Hebrew and Greek is the word wind – and also the word breath. So how do you get rid of breath? You expel it, usually through your mouth. There are, however, eight other orifices in the human body. At times a demon may come out through any one of them or in other ways. The demon of masturbation frequently comes out though the fingers. A spirit of crippling is often expelled with convulsive movements of the body. If it happens that a demon does not come out through your mouth, but though some other orifice or area of your bogy, you will become aware of it. Cooperate with the Holy Spirit and He will show you what to do. But most frequently you may expect to expel a demon through your mouth. Now after you have said your prayer for deliverance and concluded with “Amen!” Begin to expel. That is a decision of your will, followed by the action of your muscles. At the same time, make way for the demon or demons to come out. Keep the exit clear! Do not go on praying or start to speak in tongues. Movement of the lips and tongue in speech acts as a barrier to keep the demon in. Think of an ambulance coming down the road, lights flashing and siren blaring. All other traffic moves off to the side of the road. Do the same in your throat. Clear the way for the demon to come out. As you begin to expel, what comes first may be just natural human breath. But after a short while, something other than human breath will start coming out. That is your enemy! Keep the pressure on! There may be many different manifestations as a demon emerges. It may be scarcely perceptible, just a little sigh or yawn. Or it may come out with sobbing, groaning, coughing, screaming or roaring. Remember, in the ministry of Philip, the demons came out with loud cries. Do not set any predetermined limit as to how long you will go on expelling. Keep on as long as there are any demons to come out. When a demon is coming out, some people (usually woman) may go on screaming without receiving any release. This indicates that the demon has stopped in the narrow section of the throat and is holding on there to avoid being expelled. In such cases, a deliberate, forceful cough will usually dislodge the demon and force it out. In a deliverance service, sometimes a demon’s screaming will distract others seeking deliverance, hindering them even making them afraid. This is when workers need to act quickly and help the person screaming to get released. Many different things may happen when a demon comes out. But remember, when you speak in the name of Jesus, you have authority over demons. Do not yield to a spirit of fear. Remember, too, that the Holy Spirit is there with you to help you. Yield fully to Him and let Him guide you through to full victory! Go through the whole prayer slowly and deliberately, don’t be in a hurry. And if the Holy Spirit prompts you to add words from your heart, do not hesitate to do so! How To Keep Your Deliverance Thank God you have received deliverance! Continuing to thank and praise Him is an act of faith, and is the first step to help you keep your deliverance. You can be sure that Satan will not give up on you. He will do everything in his power to reassert his control over you. You must prepare for his counterattack. The human personality is like a city, and that demonic invasion can have the effect of breaking down the walls inside us that should protect us. Once our enemy has been driven out, we must begin immediately to rebuild our protective walls. Here are the basic principles to help you rebuild: 1) Live by God’s Word 2) Put on a garment of praise 3) Come under discipline 4) Cultivate right fellowship 5) Be filled with the Holy Spirit 6) Make sure you have passed through the water baptism 7) Put on the whole armor of God Step 1: Live by God’s Word In Matthew 4:4 Jesus said that mankind shall live “by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.” The word live is all-inclusive, covering everything we think, say or so. Many other influences will compete for control over us: our own feelings, the opinions of others, accepted traditions, the culture that surrounds us. But God guarantees us victory in every area- and specifically, victory over the devil – only insofar as our lives are directed and controlled by His Word. Take to heart the direction the Lord gave Joushua as he was about to enter the Promised Land: “This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.” Joshua 1:8 These directions may be summed up in three phrases: think the Word of God; speak the Word of God; act the Word of God. Then God guarantees you success. Step 2: Put on the Garment of Praise In Isaiah 61:3 God offers us “the garment of praise” in place of “the spirit of heaviness.” Whenever we are praising the Lord with our mouths the enemy typically won’t come near you. So we must cultivate a lifestyle in which praise covers us as completely as our clothing does. If and when you feel the enemy drawing near you, immediately begin singing your favorite praise and worship song, and the enemy will stop in their tracks. “Draw near to God, resist the devil and he will flee.” Step 3: Come under Discipline Jesus’ last order to His apostles was to “go… and make disciples…” Matthew 28:19. A disciple as the word indicates is one who is under discipline. Jesus never instructed anyone to make “church members.” Because “rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft” 1 Samuel 15:23, and because rebellion against God has exposed our whole race to the deceptive and destructive power of Satan, we can come under God’s protection only as we place ourselves under His discipline. An undisciplined life is vulnerable to demonic attack. In 2 Timothy 1:7 Paul says God has given us “a spirit of power of love and self-discipline.” This is the primary form of discipline in any life – self-discipline. Unless we learn to discipline ourselves, no other form of discipline will be effective. The first area in which this applies is our personal communication with God in His Word and prayer. Living by God’s Word demands that we give Him regular “prime time” each day. Then, with the help of the Holy Spirit, we must bring our emotions, desires, appetites under control. A man not in control in these areas is not in control of his life. This is one decisive area we must bring under control: the tongue. Idle words open the way for demons. The control of the tongue is the mark of spiritual maturity: “If anyone does not stumble in word, he is a perfect man, able also to bridle the whole body” James 3:2. Obviously you will not achieve this level of self-discipline in a few simple steps. From time to time you will stumble. Just pick yourself up and dust yourself off and continue to move forward and upward. As long as you are moving in the right direction, Satan may harass you buy he cannot defeat you. There are various other areas in which we may need to come under discipline, relating to the family, school, church and various forms of government. God requires us to cultivate submissiveness in any of these areas that apply in our lives: “Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake to every authority instituted among men…” 1 Peter 2:13. It is true that deliverance brings us freedom, but many Christians misunderstand the nature of freedom. We are not free to do our own thing; we are free that we may bring every area of our lives under God’s discipline. Step 4: Cultivate Right Fellowship Remember that a person whose walls have been broken down by demons needs the help of other Christians to stand with him as he rebuilds those walls of protection. We all must recognize that one of the most powerful influences in our lives is the people with whom we associate. This means we have to choose the kind of people we spend time with. We may live among unbelievers, but we cannot make ourselves one with them. There must always be a difference between our lifestyle and others. If we are walker in the light, we will have fellowship with our fellow believers, see 1 John 1:7. There is no place for self-centered individualism in the Christian life. As Christians we need each other. The writer of Hebrews gives us an urgent warning: And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching. Hebrews 10:24-25 On the other hand, we are also warned, Evil company corrupts good habits” 1 Corinthians 15:33. If you sincerely desire to keep your deliverance, you must break off relationships that have a wrong influence on you, and begin to cultivate friends who will encourage you and set you a good example. It may be painful to server ties with friends or dissociate yourself for a time from family members whose influence is harmful. But you can trust the Holy Spirit to help you do it with grace and wisdom and to take care of the consequences. Remember, He is your helper! Step 5: Be Filled with the Holy Spirit In Ephesians 5:18 Paul gives us two words of instruction. The first is negative: “Do not be drunk with wine.” The second is positive: “Be filled with the Spirit.” Most Christians acknowledge that it is wrong to be drunk. Yet how many believe it is equally wrong not to be filled with the Spirit? The infilling of the Holy Spirit is an essential part of God’s provision for victorious living. Paul speaks of this infilling in the continuing present tense: “Be continuously filled.” He is speaking not about a one-time experience but, in the next three verses, about life style: • Singing praise continually to the Lord • Being unceasingly thankful to God the Father • Being humbly submissive to one another Step 6: Make Sure You Have Passed through the Water of Baptism Jesus told His apostles to “preach the gospel to every creature. He who believes and is baptized [immersed] will be saved…” Mark 16:15-16. Baptism in water is not an option – some ecclesiastical ceremony that follows salvation. On the contrary, it is an outward act of obedience expressing the inward work of faith in our hearts, and thus making salvation complete. In the book of Acts there is no record of anyone received salvation without afterward being baptized in water. In the New Testament, baptism is compared to two events in Old Testament history: Noah and his family in the ark passing through the waters of the flood, see Genesis 7-8; 1 Peter 3:19-21; and Israel escaping from the dominion of Pharaoh by passing through the Red Sea, see Exodus 14:15-31; 1 Corinthians 10:1-2. In each case passing through the water was an act of separation. Noah and his family were saved from the ungodly world that perished under God’s judgment, and Israel finally escaped Pharaoh’s oppression, since the Egyptian army could not follow them through the water. There were two phases in Israel’s salvation. First, in Egypt they were saved from God’s judgment by faith in the blood of the Passover lamb, which was a type of Christ. Second, they were delivered from Egypt by passing through the Red Sea. This pattern applies to us as Christians. We are saved in the world by faith in the blood of Jesus. But we are separated from the world by passing through the water of baptism. It is the act of being baptized that cuts us off from the kingdom of Satan. His demons have no right to follow us through the water. If you have never been baptized in water as a believer, this is an important step you need to take to cut off demonic activity. If you have already been baptized, on the other hand, you need to stand fast on that fact and be confident that Satan’s demons have no futher right of access to you. Step 7: Put on the Whole Armor of God Now that you are wearing a garment of praise, God offers you a complete set of armor to put on over it. In case you have not yet realized it, you are a soldier in a war. You need all the armor God has provided for you. The items of your equipment are listed in Ephesians 6:13-18, as follows: • The girdle [belt] of truth • The breastplate of righteousness • The shoes of preparation of the gospel of peace • The shield of faith • The helmet of salvation • The sword of the Spirit – the word of God • All prayer We will go through these items of armor in order. The Girdle [Belt] of Truth In biblical times me usually wore loose clothing that hung down below their knees. Before undertaking any strenuous activity, they would gather up their loose garment above their knees and fasten it with a belt around their waist. Hence the phrase that occurs several times in the Bible: Gird up your loins. Likewise you must gather up and fasten out of the way anything that would impede your freedom to follow Jesus. The “belt” that enables you to do this is God’s Word, applied in a very plain and practical way. You must become totally sincere and open and put aside every form of dishonesty of hypocrisy. You must love truth. The Breastplate of Righteousness The breastplate protects your most critical and vulnerable area: your heart. This righteousness is not mere intellectual assent to a doctrine: “With your heart” – not with the head – “one believes to righteousness” Romans 10:10. Saving faith in the heart transform a life of sin into a life of righteousness – not a righteousness that comes from following a set of religious rules, but from Christ dwelling in our hearts and living out His life through us. “The righteous are bold as a lion” Proverbs 28:1. This kind of righteousness transform timidity into boldness, doubt into confidence. The Shoes of the Preparation of the Gospel of Peace Your shoes make you mobile. You must be available to God at any time or place to share the Gospel with those God puts in your way. In a world of strife and tension, you must be a vessel of God’s peace. The Shield of Faith The shield alluded to in Ephesians 6 was big enough to give protection to a soldier’s whole body, but it was effective only when he learned how to use it. You too must learn to use your faith as a shield to protect your whole person – spirit, soul, and body – from Satan’s fiery darts. Remember, the shield will not merely ward off the flaming darts; it will extinguish them! The Helmet of Salvation The helmet protects the head – that is, the mind. Satan will direct more attacks against your mind than against any other area of your personality. The helmet is also called “the hope of salvation” 1 Thessalonians 5:8, - not mere wishful thinking, but an attitude of steady, continuing optimism based firmly on the truth of God’s Word. The Sword of the Spirit – the Word of God The Bible on your bookshelf will not protect you. God’s Word becomes a sword when you speak it through your mouth in faith. Remember how Jesus used that sword against Satan, answering every temptation by quoting scripture: “It is written….” You must learn to do the same. The sword is provided by the Holy Spirit, but it is your responsibility to take it. When you do, the Spirit provides supernatural power with which to wield it. The Final Weapon: All Prayer With the sword you are limited by the length of your arm. But “all prayer” is your intercontinental ballistic missile. By this kind of prayer you can reach across oceans and continents and strike the forces of Satan wherever they are at work. You can even reach out against Satan’s headquarters in the heavenlies. But it takes discipline and maturity to learn to use such a powerful weapon. Why Some Are Not Delivered 1) Lack of repentance 2) Lack of desperation 3) Wrong motives 4) Self-centeredness – a desire for attention 5) Failure to break with the occult 6) Failure to sever binding soulish relationships 7) Lack of release from a curse 8) Failure to confess a specific sin 9) Not “separated” by water baptism 10) Part of a larger battle Two Are Better Than One There is no record in the gospels that Jesus ever sent anyone out to minister by himself. He always sent out His disciples in pairs. Normally only an experienced minister with authority should undertake the ministry of deliverance on his own. (Bear in mind, there is always the possibility that a person receiving deliverance may become violent.) This principle is emphasized by Solomon in Ecclesiastes 4:9-10, “Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their labor. For if they fall, one will lift up his companion. But woe to him who is alone when he falls, for he has no one to help him up. Final Proclamation We overcome Satan when we testify personally To what the Word of God says The blood of Jesus does for us. Through the blood of Jesus I am redeemed out of the hand of the devil. Through the blood of Jesus All my sins are forgiven, Through the blood of Jesus I am continually being cleansed from all sin. Through the blood of Jesus I am justified, made righteous, just as if I had never sinned. Through the blood of Jesus I am sanctified, made holy, set apart to God. Through the blood of Jesus I have boldness to enter the presence of God. The blood of Jesus cries out continually To God in heaven on my behalf.

Monday, May 28, 2018

"I am Willing" says the Lord

Mark 1:41 Jesus says, "I am willing" and heals the leper. What are you willing to present to the Lord Jesus Christ today so you hear that He is willing to help you? Lord Help me with: A loss of a loved one "I am willing" Cancer "I am willing" Loneliness "I am willing" Hurt "I am willing" Financial difficulty "I am willing" Lack of faith "I am willing" Divorce "I am willing" Pain "I am willing" Illness "I am willing" No matter what you believe or have been told, never forget that Jesus willingly took your place on the cross so He could carry all your burdens. They are too heavy for us and rightfully belong to the Lord. His last words were, "it is finished"! Stop baring these painful burdens and let Jesus create testimony from them so you can help someone else who is struggling in the same way. This is how the body of Christ works out heaven on earth. Helping one another. Rich blessings in Christ dear ones. KWP Ministries

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Faith Without Works is Dead

Just as the body without the soul is dead, likewise faith without works is also dead. James 2:26 is pretty clear about our participation in what God is doing. He expects us to play the role in which He specifically designed each of us to play in His redemption plan. If we don't, God in His infinite wisdom has someone else who will step up in our place in order to continue His plan to save mankind. We must realize that God Himself went out and worked the fields of the harvest and that He expects us to do the same things He did and more. Do not let the darkness hide you away from the body of Christ. Be sure you are plugged in and reaching out to others. The # 1 command of Jesus was for us to share the gospel with every living creature on every corner of the world. Your roll is important, your life is a gift. Let's all participate daily in the greatest restoration project in history. The restoration of God's lost children back to their Father who greatly loves them. May the Compassion of Christ move your hands and feet. KWP Ministries

Sunday, May 6, 2018

The Dream 1/10/18

A Dream God Gave Me 1/10/18 I was on a bass boat with two other people, whom I didn't know. As we made our way through a channel of grass on both sides of the boat that snaked it's way through to a big lake, I was positioned in the middle section of the boat while the others where front and rear. As we entered into the mouth of the lake I stated, "We forgot to drop the anchor" when I spotted something bobbing in the water. At first glance I couldn't make out what it was, but then it broke the surface again and now I could see that it was someone's hand! I quickly dropped down and reached out and grabbed the arm and pulled up a little boy! I began weeping uncontrollably as I cradled him in my arms. I then lifted the child into the air and said, "Lord I commit this child's spirit into your hands!" And I woke up! On my way to work that morning, I asked God, "what in the world was the meaning of that dream"? God spoke to me and said, "the way that you acted and responded in the dream weeping over this little dead child, is the same exact way you are to respond over my spiritually dead children on earth!" What a sobering thought! Friends & believers in Jesus Christ, we must begin to participate daily in this warfare against our enemy. We know there is an unseen war going on and yet we make-believe it's not and go about living our daily lives. We can no longer sit on the sidelines and act like many of God's children aren't dying every single day and going to hell! Friends, once God has past judgement nothing can change it! We who know the truth must share the truth for it is the truth that makes us free. The truth is Jesus. He has commanded you and I to speak life unto every living thing on earth. I for one do not desire to disobey my savior, and don't you try to say anything otherwise like, "I don't move unless God moves me" because fear says that! God has not given you a spirit of fear, but of peace, love and of a sound mind. We all play a part in the body of Christ, so let us begin functioning in the part Jesus created us to be. I pray you all hear the seriousness in my words and that the Holy Spirit moves your heart with the same compassion Jesus had for you. Please pray about this if you feel that I am off base in my words. You'll find the spirit of truth rest within them! Kneel - Repent - Repeat KWP Ministries

Sunday, April 8, 2018

A Prayer to Break the Bondage of Your Spoken Words!

Hello, Brothers and Sisters in Christ, ******Pray this aloud ****** Lord God in Jesus name I come before you and I repent of any negative or idle words that I have spoken to, about, towards or against any child of God, against my own body, soul and spirit and against my Father in heaven. May every word I speak out moving forward be analyzed by the Holy Spirit and contain only rich blessings and impartations of life. I break the bondage the enemy has been using all my life to curse people through my words and now send overwhelming showers of blessings upon all those, I spoke ill of and overall who spoke ill of me. I am renewed by the blood of Jesus and I an going to bless others everywhere I go in Jesus majestic and mighty name I pray! AMEN, AMEN, AMEN! May your words be true and speak life! KWP Ministries

Monday, September 5, 2016

Demon Groupings / Demon Gangs & How To Expel Them

Warriors of the Kingdom of God,

We have been commissioned by the Lord Jesus Christ to rule & reign over the darkness of this world. He has equipped us with the Holy Spirit and empowered us with power over all the works of the enemy. This is all written in His word to make it know to the church body to use against Satan and his kingdom of darkness.

There is a vast kingdom working in the shadows of this world making war upon the saints of Jesus and holding non-Christians in bondage and chains. Only the Holy Spirit could have lead you to this information and I am praying for you to wreck the enemy and kick him in the teeth and then place your right foot on his neck in victory today!

Below is an in depth list of demon gangs, and below are the steps to take to help yourself or someone else expel demons in Jesus mighty name, Then how to keep your deliverance. Take your time and allow the Holy Spirit to lead you through it. He is the great teacher and will lead you to all truth.

Common Demon Groupings

Fear of Rejection
Self Pity
Nervous habits
Fear of man
Fear of disapproval
Fear of judgment
Fear of condemnation
Fear of accusation
Fear of reproof
Many various demons

Fear of man
Fear of failure
Occult spirits
Spiritism spirits
28. FEARS (All kinds)
Phobias (All Kinds)
Material lust
False responsibility
False compassion
(May include any disease or sickness)
Driving pressure
Course jesting
Compulsive eating
Fantasy lust
Jehovah’s Witnesses
Christian Science
(Lodges, societies and social
Agencies using the Bible and
God as a basic but omitting
the blood atonement of Jesus)
Pigs in the Parlor by Frank and Ida Mae Hammond, Pages 113-115
Ouija Board
Handwriting analysis
Fortune telling
Water witching
Tarot cards
Black magic
White magic
Doctrinal obsession
Doctrinal error
Fear of god
Fear of hell
Fear of lost salvation
Spirit guide


A Prayer for Deliverance:

1)      Personally affirm your faith in Christ:
“Lord Jesus Christ, I believe You are the Son of God and the only way to God – that You died on the cross for my sins and rose again so that I might be forgiven and receive eternal life.”

2)      Humble yourself:
“I renounce all pride and religious self-righteousness and any dignity that does not come from You. I have no claim on Your mercy except that You died in my place.”

3)      Confess any and All Known Sin:
“I confess all my sins before You and hold nothing back. I especially confess…..” [begin naming everything that the Holy Spirit brings to your mind].

4)      Repent of All Sins:
“I repent of all my sins. I turn away from them and I turn to You, Lord of mercy, grace and forgiveness. Through Your blood Jesus I am redeemed.”

5)      Forgive all other people:
“By a decision of my own free will, I freely forgive all who have ever harmed or wronged me. I lay down all bitterness, all resentment and all hatred. Specifically, I forgive….” [begin naming all those the Holy Spirit brings to your mind].

6)      Break with the occult and all false religion:
“I sever all contact I have ever had with the occult and with all false religion – particularly” ….. [name anything the Holy Spirit brings to your mind]
“I commit myself to get rid of all objects associated with the occult or false religion.”

7)      Prepare to be released from every curse over your life:
“Lord Jesus, I thank You that on the cross You were made a curse, that I might be redeemed from every curse and inherit God’s blessing. On that basis I ask You to release me and set me free to receive the deliverance I need.”

8)      Take your stand with God:
“I take my stand with You, Lord against all Satan’s demon. I submit to You Lord and I resist the devil. AMEN!”

9)      Expel
“Now I speak to any demons that have control over me. [Speak directly to them.] I command you to go from me now. In the name of Jesus Christ, I expel you!”

Each time you experience a release, praise and thank God for it. Giving thanks and praise is the simplest and purest expression of faith. It also creates an atmosphere that demons find intolerable. When you feel your deliverance is complete, or that you have come as far as you can at this time, be sure to kneel down and make Jesus Lord over every area of your life. Remember the warning of Jesus that if a demon comes back and finds the house empty, he will return and bring others with him. On your own you do not have the strength to keep the demons out. But if the Lord Jesus has taken up residency within you, you have His help to keep them out.

Now, one thing that’s really important is that you’ve discovered the reality of demons and how to deal with them. Now you are responsible to deal with them in the same way wherever and whenever you encounter them. Finally, here is a reminder that applies to every Christian: You never need to be ashamed of having been delivered from demons. You should be ashamed if you discover that you need deliverance, but PIDE kept you from acknowledging your need to be set free.

How To Keep Your Deliverance

Thank God you have received deliverance! Continuing to thank and praise Him is an act of faith, and is the first step to help you keep your deliverance. You can be sure that Satan will not give up on you. He will do everything in his power to reassert his control over you. You must prepare for his counterattack. The human personality is like a city, and that demonic invasion can have the effect of breaking down the walls inside us that should protect us. Once our enemy has been driven out, we must begin immediately to rebuild our protective walls. Here are the basic principles to help you rebuild:

1)      Live by God’s Word
2)      Put on a garment of praise
3)      Come under discipline
4)      Cultivate right fellowship
5)      Be filled with the Holy Spirit
6)      Make sure you have passed through the water baptism
7)      Put on the whole armor of God

Step 1: Live by God’s Word

In Matthew 4:4 Jesus said that mankind shall live “by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.” The word live is all-inclusive, covering everything we think, say or so. Many other influences will compete for control over us: our own feelings, the opinions of others, accepted traditions, the culture that surrounds us. But God guarantees us victory in every area- and specifically, victory over the devil – only insofar as our lives are directed and controlled by His Word.  Take to heart the direction the Lord gave Joushua as he was about to enter the Promised Land:

“This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.” Joshua 1:8

These directions may be summed up in three phrases: think the Word of God; speak the Word of God; act the Word of God. Then God guarantees you success.

Step 2: Put on the Garment of Praise

In Isaiah 61:3 God offers us “the garment of praise” in place of “the spirit of heaviness.” Whenever we are praising the Lord with our mouths the enemy typically won’t come near you. So we must cultivate a lifestyle in which praise covers us as completely as our clothing does. If and when you feel the enemy drawing near you, immediately begin singing your favorite praise and worship song, and the enemy will stop in their tracks. “Draw near to God, resist the devil and he will flee.”

Step 3: Come under Discipline

Jesus’ last order to His apostles was to “go… and make disciples…” Matthew 28:19. A disciple as the word indicates is one who is under discipline. Jesus never instructed anyone to make “church members.”

Because “rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft1 Samuel 15:23, and because rebellion against God has exposed our whole race to the deceptive and destructive power of Satan, we can come under God’s protection only as we place ourselves under His discipline. An undisciplined life is vulnerable to demonic attack.

In 2 Timothy 1:7 Paul says God has given us “a spirit of power of love and self-discipline.” This is the primary form of discipline in any life – self-discipline. Unless we learn to discipline ourselves, no other form of discipline will be effective. The first area in which this applies is our personal communication with God in His Word and prayer. Living by God’s Word demands that we give Him regular “prime time” each day. Then, with the help of the Holy Spirit, we must bring our emotions, desires, appetites under control. A man not in control in these areas is not in control of his life.

This is one decisive area we must bring under control: the tongue. Idle words open the way for demons. The control of the tongue is the mark of spiritual maturity: “If anyone does not stumble in word, he is a perfect man, able also to bridle the whole bodyJames 3:2. Obviously you will not achieve this level of self-discipline in a few simple steps. From time to time you will stumble. Just pick yourself up and dust yourself off and continue to move forward and upward. As long as you are moving in the right direction, Satan may harass you buy he cannot defeat you.

There are various other areas in which we may need to come under discipline, relating to the family, school, church and various forms of government. God requires us to cultivate submissiveness in any of these areas that apply in our lives: “Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake to every authority instituted among men…1 Peter 2:13.  It is true that deliverance brings us freedom, but many Christians misunderstand the nature of freedom. We are not free to do our own thing; we are free that we may bring every area of our lives under God’s discipline.

Step 4: Cultivate Right Fellowship

Remember that a person whose walls have been broken down by demons needs the help of other Christians to stand with him as he rebuilds those walls of protection. We all must recognize that one of the most powerful influences in our lives is the people with whom we associate. This means we have to choose the kind of people we spend time with. We may live among unbelievers, but we cannot make ourselves one with them. There must always be a difference between our lifestyle and others.

If we are walker in the light, we will have fellowship with our fellow believers, see
1 John 1:7. There is no place for self-centered individualism in the Christian life. As Christians we need each other. The writer of Hebrews gives us an urgent warning:

And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching. Hebrews 10:24-25

On the other hand, we are also warned, Evil company corrupts good habits” 1 Corinthians 15:33. If you sincerely desire to keep your deliverance, you must break off relationships that have a wrong influence on you, and begin to cultivate friends who will encourage you and set you a good example. It may be painful to server ties with friends or dissociate yourself for a time from family members whose influence is harmful. But you can trust the Holy Spirit to help you do it with grace and wisdom and to take care of the consequences. Remember, He is your helper!

Step 5: Be Filled with the Holy Spirit

In Ephesians 5:18 Paul gives us two words of instruction. The first is negative: “Do not be drunk with wine.” The second is positive: “Be filled with the Spirit.” Most Christians acknowledge that it is wrong to be drunk. Yet how many believe it is equally wrong not to be filled with the Spirit? The infilling of the Holy Spirit is an essential part of God’s provision for victorious living. Paul speaks of this infilling in the continuing present tense: “Be continuously filled.” He is speaking not about a one-time experience but, in the next three verses, about life style:

·        Singing praise continually to the Lord
·        Being unceasingly thankful to God the Father
·        Being humbly submissive to one another

Step 6: Make Sure You Have Passed through the Water of Baptism

Jesus told His apostles to “preach the gospel to every creature. He who believes and is baptized [immersed] will be saved…” Mark 16:15-16. Baptism in water is not an option – some ecclesiastical ceremony that follows salvation. On the contrary, it is an outward act of obedience expressing the inward work of faith in our hearts, and thus making salvation complete. In the book of Acts there is no record of anyone received salvation without afterward being baptized in water.

In the New Testament, baptism is compared to two events in Old Testament history: Noah and his family in the ark passing through the waters of the flood, see Genesis 7-8; 1 Peter 3:19-21; and Israel escaping from the dominion of Pharaoh by passing through the Red Sea, see Exodus 14:15-31; 1 Corinthians 10:1-2.

In each case passing through the water was an act of separation. Noah and his family were saved from the ungodly world that perished under God’s judgment, and Israel finally escaped Pharaoh’s oppression, since the Egyptian army could not follow them through the water. There were two phases in Israel’s salvation. First, in Egypt they were saved from God’s judgment by faith in the blood of the Passover lamb, which was a type of Christ. Second, they were delivered from Egypt by passing through the Red Sea.

This pattern applies to us as Christians. We are saved in the world by faith in the blood of Jesus. But we are separated from the world by passing through the water of baptism. It is the act of being baptized that cuts us off from the kingdom of Satan. His demons have no right to follow us through the water.

If you have never been baptized in water as a believer, this is an important step you need to take to cut off demonic activity. If you have already been baptized, on the other hand, you need to stand fast on that fact and be confident that Satan’s demons have no futher right of access to you.

Step 7: Put on the Whole Armor of God

Now that you are wearing a garment of praise, God offers you a complete set of armor to put on over it. In case you have not yet realized it, you are a soldier in a war. You need all the armor God has provided for you. The items of your equipment are listed in Ephesians 6:13-18, as follows:

  • The girdle [belt] of truth
  • The breastplate of righteousness
  • The shoes of preparation of the gospel of peace
  • The shield of faith
  • The helmet of salvation
  • The sword of the Spirit – the word of God
  • All prayer

We will go through these items of armor in order.

The Girdle [Belt] of Truth

In biblical times me usually wore loose clothing that hung down below their knees. Before undertaking any strenuous activity, they would gather up their loose garment above their knees and fasten it with a belt around their waist. Hence the phrase that occurs several times in the Bible: Gird up your loins. Likewise you must gather up and fasten out of the way anything that would impede your freedom to follow Jesus. The “belt” that enables you to do this is God’s Word, applied in a very plain and practical way. You must become totally sincere and open and put aside every form of dishonesty of hypocrisy. You must love truth.

The Breastplate of Righteousness

The breastplate protects your most critical and vulnerable area: your heart. This righteousness is not mere intellectual assent to a doctrine: “With your heart” – not with the head – “one believes to righteousness” Romans 10:10. Saving faith in the heart transform a life of sin into a life of righteousness – not a righteousness that comes from following a set of religious rules, but from Christ dwelling in our hearts and living out His life through us. “The righteous are bold as a lion” Proverbs 28:1. This kind of righteousness transform timidity into boldness, doubt into confidence.

The Shoes of the Preparation of the Gospel of Peace

Your shoes make you mobile. You must be available to God at any time or place to share the Gospel with those God puts in your way. In a world of strife and tension, you must be a vessel of God’s peace.

The Shield of Faith

The shield alluded to in Ephesians 6 was big enough to give protection to a soldier’s whole body, but it was effective only when he learned how to use it. You too must learn to use your faith as a shield to protect your whole person – spirit, soul, and body – from Satan’s fiery darts. Remember, the shield will not merely ward off the flaming darts; it will extinguish them!

The Helmet of Salvation

The helmet protects the head – that is, the mind. Satan will direct more attacks against your mind than against any other area of your personality. The helmet is also called “the hope of salvation” 1 Thessalonians 5:8, - not mere wishful thinking, but an attitude of steady, continuing optimism based firmly on the truth of God’s Word.

The Sword of the Spirit – the Word of God

The Bible on your bookshelf will not protect you. God’s Word becomes a sword when you speak it through your mouth in faith. Remember how Jesus used that sword against Satan, answering every temptation by quoting scripture: “It is written….” You must learn to do the same. The sword is provided by the Holy Spirit, but it is your responsibility to take it. When you do, the Spirit provides supernatural power with which to wield it.

Now, army of God - go and tear down the gates of hell and break the teeth of the enemy and place your foot on the neck of Satan today in victory in Jesus mighty name!

amen, amen, Amen!